Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ANTICS3d - ZVIZ the a to Z of Previz

Zviz is an application being developed by ILM. Currently in Beta Testing and soon to be released. If you see some info on this very interesting PREVIZ product please let me know.

Martin McEachern writes for Computer Graphics World.
His cool Computer Graphics World article gives us a little more info.

Bill Desowitz talks technology, convergence, The Force Unleashed and Star Wars: The Clone Wars with Richard Kerris, who recently left Apple to become CTO of Lucasfilm
VFX World article


Monday, September 8, 2008


Make 'em Jump More,

A little while ago I posted on the Antics Blog a tip showing how to have a character jump over large distances and various heights.
Here is another example. Thanks to Brett for asking for clarification on the workflow.
It went something like this...

(Given that your satanic dude is on his own little "floor mat" size room already)
1.Go to direct mode and with record on,
animate devil to jump. (use jump 1, see note below)
2.scrub timeline to where he lands.
3.turn off record position room to line character up to where you want him. (by moving the little room he came from) a pose for this new room position.
6.turn record back on.
7.animate room to blendto pose.

Now you have a jump element and a room move element in the timeline.
8. Adjust the room move element to eleminate sliding. (see pic)
Set the room to start to move only when the character's trailing foot is off the ground,(leaves floor), then set the end to make sure the ground is not moving at the moment the foot touches the ground.(lands)

(Note: I got weird results using the jump 2 animation, the problem was that the character would pop to the original room position once the animation finished. Seems it reverts to the original state rather than the current room position)